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Abstract: Population aging is a global challenge, and Taiwan is on the brink of becoming a superaged society. The government has implemented various long-term care policies, sparing no effort in caring for older adults, particularly older veterans, who are cared for by the Veterans Affairs Council (VAC). This study explored the time bank concept, in which military personnel use their free time to accompany older veterans, accumulating service hours that can be redeemed for companionship services when they reach old age. An expert interview was conducted to understand the attitudes of military personnel toward this initiative, revealing the necessity of enhancing the awareness of military personnel about veterans and the care policies of the VAC. The interviewees agreed with the time bank concept, which involved accumulating hours of companionship with veterans for future redemption. Clearer communication must be enforced regarding the rights and responsibilities of military personnel post-service and the veteran care policies of the VAC. A quantitative survey was conducted to assess the willingness of military personnel to participate in companionship programs, aiming to produce findings that can inform policy decisions. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.51505/ijaemr.2024.9611 |
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