PT. Maluku
Prima Makmur (MPM), which is located in Ambon City, Maluku, makes the fishing
business its main business. All processes are integrated from upstream to
downstream, from the catching process, and processing to domestic and overseas
sales (Direct Export)—the main product of the company PT. MPM is in the form of
frozen and fresh tuna products. This fresh tuna product will be exported
directly to Japan in whole form via airplane cargo. In Japan, sales are carried
out using an auction or fixed price system. Meanwhile, frozen tuna products
will be exported to the USA. The main problem currently faced by
companies is that companies often have difficulty meeting export contract
targets due to the dilemma of uncertainty over the price of tuna raw materials
paid by the company, instability in the quality of raw materials, and fishing
locations which are highly dependent on the season and weather. The company's
raw material areas are spread from Banda, Seram and Papua waters. This research uses quantitative methods,
where according to Sugiyono (2013), quantitative research methods can be
interpreted as research methods based on the philosophy of positivism, used to
research certain populations or samples. The survey method was chosen as a
reference source for primary data by using or distributing questionnaires. This
research was conducted at PT. Maluku Prima Makmur is located in Ambon City,
Maluku. Based on the research results shown in
Table 32 regarding the correlation coefficient on the indirect influence
between variables, it is shown that the highest coefficient of determination value
of the exogenous variable (X) on the endogenous variable (Y) with the mediation
of the endogenous variable (Z) is the raw material quality variable (X2). on
company performance (Y) through the mediation of purchasing decisions (Z) with
a value of 0.2236. The third highest exogenous variable (X) on the endogenous
variable (Y) mediated by the endogenous variable (Z) is the raw material price
variable (X1) on company performance (Y) through the mediation of purchasing
decisions (Z) with a value of 0.0838. Based on the findings on the path
coefficient as previously explained, the raw material quality variable is the
variable that has the greatest contribution in influencing raw material
purchasing decisions which ultimately can improve company performance.