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Abstract: Rengginang Lorjuk is a Madura snack product that has been around for several years and has a role in the economy, especially in Sumenep Regency. So far, rengginang lorjuk has been sold in raw form, with simple packaging, so it is necessary to develop products to increase their superiority and competitiveness, considering the increasing number of similar products outside Madura that have turned rengginang into ready-to-consume products with various forms and attractive packaging. Therefore this study designed a business strategy to increase business competitiveness, especially in the field of product development. The analysis used in product development is Quality Function Deployment (QFD), which will then be integrated with the ERRC Grid (Eliminate-Reduce-Raise-Create). The data collected in this study used two techniques, namely interviews to validate several factors that influence consumer decisions and satisfaction with rengginang lorjuk food products in general and specifically. The second technique is to use a questionnaire technique to 150 respondents. There are 17 indicators used to measure consumer satisfaction, and 8 of them are considered to have exceeded consumer expectations and the rest have not met them. In this study the contribution value is used to describe indicators that should be a concern and priority for SMEs so that improvement efforts can be made. Based on the ranking results on priority indicators, IKM can determine a strategy using the ERRC Grid approach, in order to increase the competitive advantage of the products it produces.DOI: https://doi.org/10.51505/ijaemr.2023.8106
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