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Abstract: Employee job satisfaction plays an important role in every company. Job satisfaction reflects the positive response of employees to the assessment and experience of the benefits felt during work. Three factors influence job satisfaction, namely: Compensation, work environment, and organizational culture. This study aims to determine the effect of compensation, work environment, and organizational culture on job satisfaction. Research questionnaires were made using a Google Form, and distributed online via WhatsApp to respondents who are non-managerial employees at a Bank in Central Jakarta. Sampling was carried out using a non-probability sampling technique with a purposive sampling method where the criteria for selecting the sample were employees who served as staff. The data is analyzed with PLS Algorithm processing procedures. The results of this study indicate that compensation, work environment, and organizational culture each have a positive effect on the job satisfaction of the employees.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.51505/ijaemr.2022.7403
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