This research aims to show the working conditions of carters in
the municipality of Abomey-Calavi. In this commune, these workers help
subscribed households to evacuate their waste to traditional landfills. They
carry out this activity without any protection, in appalling conditions and
exposed to various risks. To conduct this research, a diagnosis of working conditions was
carried out through documentary research, the questionnaire survey and the
interview. 160 carters and 24 managers of pre-collection structures were
interviewed. The data obtained was processed using Stat View version 5.0
software. and statistic R version. The results obtained revealed that the carters of this commune
exercise their activity in five (5) zones subdivided into one hundred and
eighteen (118) sectors. Each team in pairs and trinomials for the majority
respectively 59.8% and 36.4% of the teams formed in the field passes through
its area of intervention for a frequency of kidnapping of twice a week. They
serve an average of 100 households per day in one to three neighborhoods. These
workers work at least 11 hours a day without an official break to receive a
salary varying between 15,000 and 45,000 CFA francs per month. This salary does
not reach the minimum wage (40,000 F CFA) for more than 2/3 sometimes arrive
late or paid in installments. Compared to the means of transport, human-drawn
carts are operated by 80% of carters. Regarding protective tools, three tools
are used more: gloves (20.69%) boots (7.52 %) and mufflers (6.24%). Under these
conditions, these carters have no contract, leave, risk premium, health
insurance, and are not declared to the National Social Security Fund (CNSS). It
is therefore urgent that prompt action be taken to improve the working
conditions of these workers and therefore their health so that they can
effectively contribute to the sanitation of the town.