The main objective of this research was to establish the effectiveness of employee�s evaluation process on employees� performance of Kenyan Public Universities. The study adopted a descriptive case study research design. The target population for this study comprised 1,620 Heads of departments and 23 Heads of Human Resource Departments totaling to 1,643. The study used simple random sampling technique to pick heads of department and purposive sampling for Human Resource Officers in-charge owing to their ability in understanding recruitment and selection practices in public Universities in Kenya. Sample size formula as provided in an article by James E. Bartlett and Joe W. Kotrlik (2001) titled Organizational Research: Determining Appropriate sample size in Survey Research was used to calculate the sample size for this study. Cochran�s correction formula was used to calculate the final sample size. To confirm the accuracies, the study will also compare the sample size using the sampling table recommended by Ka