Bainil Yulina, S.E., M.Si, Siska Apriyanti, S.E.,M.Si.,Ak.CA., Sulaiman,S.E.,MM. , Husnul Hidayati Sari Dewi and Khairunnisa Ayu Safitri, Indonesia
This study aims to analyze the influence of Credit Banking, Business Period, and Education Levels on the Turnover of TenunTajung Business in Tuan KentangPalembang . The study used primary data from 30 respondents in the area of Tuan Kentang Palembang. The technique used is simple random sampling. The method used is linear regression to know the effect of Credit Banking, Business Period, and Education Level to Turnover TenunTajung Business. The results showed that the independent variables, that are Credit Banking, Business Period, and Level of Education both partially and simultaneously affect the dependent variable, the turnover of TenunTajung Business.