Work pressure, The perceived organizational support and Work efficacy are an emerging research of organizational behavior. Many factors associated with this study also attracted the interest of scholars. Macao is surrounded by open micro-capitalist economy which has a high internationalization level and mature operation system. And there is no doubt that tourism and hotel service industry is the pillar of the Macao economy with the open up of the mainland individual tourist visa. The number of inbound tourists has been increasing fast which leads hotel industry to lay a strong customer base and enjoy a promising prospect. At the same time, the hotel staff plays an important role in the service. However, affected by some adverse factors, the hotel staff is confront with a variety of pressures. This study is to arrange effects related to pressures and put forward the purpose of their impact factor. The focus of this study is to find the impact factor from the perceived organizational support, work pressure and work efficiency through questionnaires and interviews. 10 hotels in Macao were selected and 400 questionnaires were distributed to the employees. Statistical analysis software SPSS was used to describe statistics. The innovation of this research lies in the empirical study on the relationship between the working pressure, perceived organizational support and working efficiency of Macao hotel practitioners, and constructing and validating the structural model of the relationship among them. This model will be helpful for people to use more research methods to study hotel practitioners' pressure in the future. This article will aim to answer three major questions: 1. Which factors will impact work stress, the perceived organizational support and work efficacy? 2. which factors will have significant impact? 3. which method that we can use to adjust the work stress, perceived organizational support and improve job performance?